Empower Your Day: 50 Positive Affirmations for Daily Inspiration

Empower Your Day: 50 Positive Affirmations for Daily Inspiration

Daily positive affirmations is a valuable tool for helping reshaping thought patterns, helping anxiety, fostering a positive mindset, and cultivating self-belief. By consistently affirming positive statements, individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind to focus on their strengths, aspirations, and potential rather than dwelling on negativity or limitations.

April 07, 2024 — Julia Zeitouni
5 Reasons Why a Supportive Sports Bra is Essential for Your Workouts

5 Reasons Why a Supportive Sports Bra is Essential for Your Workouts

A high-quality, supportive sports bra is not just a fashion statement; it's a necessity for women who lead an active lifestyle.
April 07, 2024 — Julia Zeitouni
Green Protein Smoothie for Weight loss

Green Protein Smoothie for Weight loss

Nourish from inside out with our favourite green smoothies for weight loss. This easy weight loss smoothie is packed with greens (spinach or kale), fruit, and protein to keep you fuller for longer and are also a great healthy snack alternative. 
  • A cup of Coconut water or Almond milk
  • Half an avocado (provides creaminess and healthy fats to keep you fuller longer. )
  • Half a banana 
  • A Scoop of Ultimately Natural protein powder
  • Ginger (or turmeric), is great for immune support. 
  • A cup of washed Spinach (adds vitamins, minerals, and fiber). 
  • 2 medjool dates, pitted (naturally sweeten the smoothie)
  • Optional: 1/2 cup ice if you prefer a thicker smoothie



In your blender add the coconut water, followed by all of the ingredients. Finish with a handful of ice to create a thicker texture. Blend until smooth, adding more coconut water if needed to thin, and ice to thicken. Serve in a glass or blend extra ice to thicken into a smoothie bowl. 


June 14, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
The Benefits of Grass-Fed Free Range Whey Protein Powder vs. Grain-Fed Whey Protein Powder

The Benefits of Grass-Fed Free Range Whey Protein Powder vs. Grain-Fed Whey Protein Powder

When it comes to choosing the right whey protein powder, the source of the protein matters. While both grass-fed and grain-fed whey protein powders offer protein supplementation, there are significant differences between the two. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of grass-fed free-range whey protein powder compared to grain-fed whey protein powder, and why opting for the former can provide superior nutritional value and support your overall health and well-being.

  1. Higher Nutritional Value:

Grass-fed free-range whey protein powder stands out for its superior nutritional profile. Cows that graze on grass have a diet rich in essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). These nutrients are transferred to their milk and subsequently to the whey protein derived from it. As a result, grass-fed whey protein powder contains higher levels of these beneficial nutrients compared to grain-fed counterparts, offering you a more nutrient-dense supplement.

  1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

One of the key advantages of grass-fed free-range whey protein powder is its higher content of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential fats that play a vital role in reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, and promoting brain function. By choosing a grass-fed whey protein powder, you're not only increasing your protein intake but also benefiting from these heart-healthy fats, which can contribute to improved overall wellness.

  1. Increased CLA Content:

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a type of healthy fat found in grass-fed dairy products. Studies suggest that CLA offers a range of health benefits, including reducing body fat, supporting lean muscle mass, and improving immune function. Grass-fed free-range whey protein powder contains higher levels of CLA, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to support their fitness goals while enjoying the additional advantages this nutrient provides.

  1. Fewer Hormones and Antibiotics:

Grass-fed cows raised in free-range environments typically have minimal exposure to hormones and antibiotics. In contrast, grain-fed cows are often given hormones and antibiotics to promote growth and prevent diseases associated with intensive farming practices. By opting for grass-fed whey protein powder, you can reduce your intake of these potentially harmful substances, supporting your overall health and well-being.

  1. Environmentally Friendly and Ethical:

Choosing grass-fed free-range whey protein powder aligns with sustainable and ethical practices. Cows that graze on pasture contribute to a more sustainable farming system, allowing them to roam freely and consume their natural diet. Additionally, supporting grass-fed farming practices promotes the well-being of the animals, as they are raised in a more humane and natural environment.


When it comes to whey protein powder, selecting a grass-fed free-range option over grain-fed varieties offers numerous benefits. The higher nutritional value, increased omega-3 fatty acids and CLA content, and reduced exposure to hormones and antibiotics make grass-fed whey protein powder a superior choice. Not only do you receive a protein supplement, but you also support your overall health and well-being. By opting for grass-fed free-range whey protein powder, you can enjoy the advantages of a nutrient-dense, environmentally friendly, and ethically sourced product. Make a conscious choice and embrace the benefits that grass-fed free-range whey protein powder brings to your fitness journey and overall lifestyle


Shop our range of Ultimately Natural Protein Powders


June 14, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
Reasons Quality Activewear is a Good Investment

Reasons Quality Activewear is a Good Investment

Investing in quality activewear is a smart choice for anyone serious about their fitness journey. The benefits of comfort, flexibility, durability, support, and improved performance make it worth the investment. So, next time you're shopping for activewear, prioritise quality over price and enjoy the many benefits it can provide.
March 30, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
10 Fitness Motivational Wallpapers for Your Phone

10 Fitness Motivational Wallpapers for Your Phone

Affirmations are a simple yet powerful tool to help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness goals. By incorporating affirmations into your daily routine, visualizing them, and using them during your workouts, you can cultivate a positive mindset and achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.
March 30, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
Positive Affirmations to feel motivated to workout

4 Science-Backed Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

Are you struggling to find the motivation to work out? Do you feel like exercise is a chore that you just can't seem to get excited about? Well, it's time to change that mindset and unleash your inner fitness goddess! With these four science-backed ways to motivate yourself to work out, you'll be feeling excited and energized in no time.
March 29, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
5 Reasons to Wear a Supportive Sports Bra

5 Reasons to Wear a Supportive Sports Bra

Regardless of the workout a quality well fitted sports bra should be an essential item in your active wardrobe.  A 2018 study found that breasts can move up to 14cm during exercise if left unsupported. Here’s why it’s important to wear well fitted sports bras during exercise:


Olympia St Tropez Sports Bra


A supportive sports bra will reduce discomfort while you exercise, allowing you to focus on your workout. This is especially important if you’re doing high-impact activities like running or jumping.


Athena Midnight Zebra Sports Bra


As breasts are composed of tissue, they are mainly supported by just the skin and fragile ligaments. When your breasts are not supported with a proper fitting sports bra during any form of exercise you risk causing strain on ligaments which can lead to sagging over time.


Olympia Tuscany Sports Bra


When you look good you feel good. Knowing that you are properly supported increases your confidence to push yourself harder in your workouts. You can focus on your exercise without having to worry about pulling down or constantly adjusting your bra.


Olympia Tiffany Camo Sports Bra


A supportive sports bra can help prevent back pain and other physical discomfort. The added support can also help prevent injury to the breasts and ligaments, which can be a serious problem for women who engage in high-impact sports and activities.


Olympia Sicilia Sports Bra


With a supportive sports bra you can focus your attention on your workout without the stress and discomfort. The added support can help you maintain better posture, comfort, and overall improved performance.


When if comes to choosing a supportive sports bra, it’s important to find one that fits properly. These days there are a lot of “fashionable or trendy sports bras” that may look nice on, however add no value or support to your workout. Our number one tip is to make sure the bottom sports bra band is fitted firm against your body and stays firm when you move.


You can shop our selection of mid to high-impact sports bras here.

January 24, 2023 — Julia Zeitouni
Tags: Sports Bra
Are Ice Baths Worth the Hype?

Are Ice Baths Worth the Hype?

Ice baths are also known as cold water therapy, cold water immersion (CWI) or cryotherapy, and is practiced by dipping your body in very cold water (10-15 °Celsius) for a short amount of time. This is something quite commonly practiced with athletes, fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors jumping into an ice bath after physical activity. However, there is now a resurgence and more of us than ever are braving the chill of ice baths because of the health benefits.

August 25, 2022 — Julia Zeitouni
50 Fitness Affirmations that will Empower your Workout

50 Fitness Affirmations that will Empower your Workout

August 02, 2022 — Julia Zeitouni